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Vanilla Ice Cream by Liquid Barn (food flavour concentrate).


Please note, this is just a food flavour concentrate, not an actual Ice cream! It must be diluted prior to use!

Flavour Description of Vanilla ice Cream by liquid Barn: 

Our Vanilla Ice Cream is a delicious creamy treat. Also makes for a great custard substitute.


Liquid Barn Vanilla Ice Cream tastes exacrtly as vanilla ice cream, not vanilla bean ice cream... just vanilla ice cream. works well with other creams.

LB VIC has no pepper notes like TFA VBIC.


Literally THE BEST Vanilla Ice Cream food flavour concentarte.


Non-Flavoring Ingredients: 

Propylene Glycol


Suggested Mixing Percentage for Vanilla ice cream by liquid barn:

8-11%( recomended percentage by the manufacturer) but you should be alright around 3-8%(Liquid DIY) as 8% for solo and around 3-5% as an additive.


Liquid Barn Vanilla Ice Cream flavour


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